PANARCOLE, Lda, hereinafter referred to as PANARCOLE, is a commercial company with its registered office at Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco, Torre 1 – Piso 6 – Sala 5, 1070-101 Lisboa, duly registered at the Commercial Registry Office in Lisbon as legal person number 516834088.
PANARCOLE is responsible for the collection and processing of personal data obtained digitally, namely through the use of this website, and undertakes to respect the privacy of users, ensuring the confidentiality and security of the data received, in strict compliance with the legislation in force.

This Personal Data Protection Policy describes our practices for storing, processing and accessing personal data. By accepting, you consent to PANARCOLE processing your data, of which you confirm that you are the owner, as well as the data relating to your commercial and contractual relationship and its management, under the terms of this text.

You also declare that you are aware and fully informed that the processing of your personal data, previously transmitted by you, includes all operations carried out by automated or non-automated means.

In addition, you declare that you are aware of your rights to oppose, correct and/or request the “Right to be Forgotten” in relation to the processing of your Personal Data, by sending a request to an e-mail address, as well as having the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authorities.

Read the following terms carefully:

1. Preamble

This Personal Data Protection Policy, hereinafter referred to as the “Protection Policy”, aims to inform you of the following points:

1.1.The commitments adopted by PANARCOLE regarding the Protection of Personal Data, pursuant to and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as “GDPR” (EU) 2016/679, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data, and;

1.2. About the way in which PANARCOLE processes your Personal Data, in particular Personal Data obtained digitally, namely through the website.

2. Definitions

In the following framework, PANARCOLE provides the framework on the following definitions:

Definition of “Personal Data”: refers to all information relating to the Data Subject and which identifies him or her or may enable him or her to be identified.

Definition of “Data Subject”: identified or identifiable natural person to whom the Personal Data relates. The user of the website is considered to be the Data Owner by PANARCOLE. The natural person may be identifiable or identified, directly or indirectly, namely through name, civil or tax identification number, location data, online identifiers (such as IP addresses and logs).

Definition of “Data Controller”: the entity that defines the purposes and means of the Processing of Personal Data, in this case PANARCOLE.

Definition of “Processor”: an entity external to PANARCOLE that processes Personal Data in the name and on behalf of PANARCOLE. The “Subcontractor” has signed a confidentiality agreement with PANARCOLE, in which it undertakes to keep the data it processes confidential.

Definition of “Processing”: any operation performed on Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction. Any other operation provided for under the terms of the GDPR is also considered to be the Processing of Personal Data.

3. Commitments made

PANARCOLE guarantees the complete protection of Personal Data in accordance with the rules set out in the GDPR, with regard to all the procedures and obligations set out therein, especially with regard to the Processing of Personal Data of users of websites and/or digital applications (e.g. visitors, job applicants, etc.).

PANARCOLE has implemented digital tools and procedures to ensure the effective protection of Personal Data.

In order to monitor compliance with GDPR procedures, PANARCOLE has adopted and implemented various internal policies and procedures to raise awareness among its employees, suppliers and partners about the protection of personal data.

3.1 Principles of Personal Data Protection

Processing of Personal Data
PANARCOLE undertakes to process your Personal Data in accordance with the following principles:
– Lawful, fair and transparent processing, thus guaranteeing the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency;
– Collection and processing for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. Compliance with the purpose limitation principle, since they will not be treated in a way that is divergent and incompatible with the purposes for which they were collected;
– Collection and processing that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is strictly necessary, taking into account the purposes for which it is processed, thus respecting the principle of data minimization;
– The Personal Data collected and processed must be accurate and up-to-date, and must be rectified or updated whenever necessary or at the company’s discretion.

Treatment safety
PANARCOLE has defined appropriate technical and organizational measures with a view to the effective implementation of the principles of Personal Data protection, in order to comply with the GDPR, thus protecting the rights, freedoms and guarantees of the Data Subjects, from the beginning of their collection and subsequent Processing.

It has been decided to impose the same level of Personal Data protection on all Subcontractors (service providers, suppliers, partners, etc.).

4. Personal Data Processing

4.1 What personal data is processed

For the purposes of analyzing applications for the provision of recruitment services, the following personal data of users may be processed:
(i) Identification data, such as Name, Address, Email address or Telephone number;
(ii) Weight and height;
(iii) Academic qualifications;
(iv) Details of any professional experience;
(v) Other data provided by the data subject, such as their photograph or identification documents.

For other purposes, such as processing salaries, taking out insurance, paying union dues and complying with other legal obligations, identification data may be processed, as well as data relating to the identification of the employee’s household, remuneration data and health data, whenever this is necessary to comply with legal obligations that fall upon PANARCOLE.

For the purposes of marketing actions, namely sending messages (whether by SMS, e-mail or any other means of communication) or for the purposes of communicating with interested parties, contact data may be processed, namely telephone number and/or e-mail address.

4.2 How personal data is collected

PANARCOLE collects your Personal Data on its premises and through its website and/or digital applications, where the user explicitly provides and consents, specifying:
– Panarcole’s headquarters and facilities;
– When you browse PANARCOLE’s websites and/or digital applications (i.e. technical information, such as IP addresses or logs, collected through cookies or similar technologies when authorized);
– When you subscribe to the newsletter provided by PANARCOLE;
– When you participate in a contest, marketing program, test or survey;
– When you apply for a job on our premises or via the website;
– When you post comments or images on social media pages owned by PANARCOLE;
– When, in any other way, you send us personal information and consent to its storage and processing;

4.3 Why is it necessary to collect personal data?

Customer/Candidate Relationship Management
PANARCOLE collects the Personal Data of data subjects with whom it maintains informational and administrative relationships, either as customers or as recruitment candidates, particularly with a view to:

– Enable online requests for information on services and job offers on the website and/or digital applications;
– Enable recruitment actions;
– Allow spontaneous applications to all job offers to be made available on the website and/or digital applications;
– Allow all candidates to be recruited:

  • receive personalized job offers;
  • manage and update their curricula;
  • Get your opinion on services, particularly through surveys and tests;
  • Allow participation in contests, quizzes or other marketing programs;
  • To carry out statistical analyses, financial and commercial studies and for online traffic management purposes (e.g. to obtain the levels of use of PANARCOLE’s website and/or digital applications, as well as the relevance of the services provided as a way of improving their usability);
  • Sending general information, job offers, promotional communication and/or advertising from PANARCOLE, in particular about services, news, campaigns and job offers that may interest the client/applicant, provided that (subject to their prior authorization, when it is required and respecting their right of refusal, in accordance with the legal requirements applicable to direct marketing for commercial purposes).

These notifications can be sent by email or via mobile service (phone call, SMS and MMS).

Combating fraud
Your Personal Data will be processed in such a way as to prevent third-party fraud.

Information considered mandatory is marked with an asterisk on the online forms available from PANARCOLE. If these fields are not filled in, the user’s request for information and/or order cannot be processed. The rest of the information is optional.

Recruitment and Human Resources Management
PANARCOLE collects your Personal Data through a form available at Panarcole’s premises or on the relevant page of the website, with a view to analyzing and responding to your application for a specific job opportunity. In cases where no action is taken by PANARCOLE with regard to the job application, the Personal Data will be kept in accordance with the provisions set out in the section on “Personal Data Storage Time”.

4.4 Legal basis for processing

The operations in the Processing of Personal Data of PANARCOLE recruitment clients and/or candidates are based on:
– In its legitimate interest in providing services, protecting its activities or others, as well as in better identifying your preferences, as a way of personalizing PANARCOLE’s offers to better meet your needs;
– The need to fulfill a legal obligation imposed by current legislation;
– The unequivocal consent of the owner.

PANARCOLE may have a legitimate interest in carrying out recruitment operations in order to manage its activities in the best possible way, collecting all the necessary data on interested candidates.

In all cases, please note that PANARCOLE only processes Personal Data if:
– The Data Subject has given express authorization for the Processing of their Personal Data for one or more specific purposes;
– Treatment necessary for the proper performance of a contract to which it is a party;
– Processing is necessary for the purposes of PANARCOLE’s legitimate interests, except where such interests are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the Data Subject, especially if the Data Subject is a child.

4.5 How long personal data is stored

PANARCOLE keeps your Personal Data in accordance with the retention periods imposed by the legislation and regulations in force, in particular taking into account its activities, storing it for the following periods:
– When you contact us to request information, we store your personal data for as long as necessary to process and fulfill your request;
– We retain your personal data used for direct marketing until you cancel your authorization or ask us to delete it, in accordance with current legislation. In this case, PANARCOLE will only preserve the information necessary to guarantee your right to object in accordance with legal regulations and standards.
– We keep your personal data after you have registered on the recruitment portal, in order to respond to current and future recruitment actions and offers, until you exercise your Right to be Forgotten.

The cookies used by PANARCOLE are stored until the user removes them from their browser.

4.6 Recipients of personal data

PANARCOLE employees responsible for customer and candidate support management (sales, recruitment and human resources departments) may only access your Personal Data on a strictly need-to-know basis.

PANARCOLE does not share your Personal Data with third parties, with the exception of service providers, as provided for in the section on “Security Measures and Subcontractors”, especially for the purposes of combating fraud, managing payments, hosting, administering Information Technology and providing customer support.

PANARCOLE may transfer Personal Data to third parties in accordance with requests from public authorities with legal powers to do so, in accordance with the legal regulations in force, or in compliance with legal obligations, namely with Social Security, Finance and Trade Unions.

PANARCOLE guarantees the confidentiality and security of Personal Data during the transfer to the aforementioned recipients.

5. About Cookies

What are cookies?
Websites, applications and digital platforms may use cookies or similar technologies to improve your browsing experience. Cookies are information stored on your personal device about the websites you visit. Sometimes they are stored in a simple text file, accessed by a server that reads and records the information.

Websites can only read and write cookies held by them.

Our use of cookies
When you browse our website, we use cookies to “recognize” your browser, either only during your visit (“session cookie”) or during all your visits (“permanent cookie”).

On our website, cookies are used for the following purposes:
– For technical reasons (identifying sessions, maintaining settings or shopping carts, etc.) to, for example, adapt the presentation of the website, application or digital platform to your device;
– For statistical analysis and online traffic management purposes, for example, to improve the usability of a website, application and digital platform and the relevance of our services;
– To redefine the target audience and provide them with marketing content on other websites;
– For geo-location purposes when using specific functions, such as store address recommendations and products available at the nearest point of sale.

5.1. Other cookies

Third-party cookies
If authorized in your cookie settings (see cookie settings section below), third parties (advertising agencies, Panarcole internet analytics, etc.) will set/read cookies when you browse our website, digital applications.

The use of these cookies is managed by the privacy policies.

These cookies are used by these Panarcole, during the lifetime of the cookies, to determine and distribute relevant advertising content, reflecting your main interests based on knowledge of your browsing habits on our website, applications and digital platforms.

Social networks
To allow you to share content or comments about our products and/or services, our website may include social network components (buttons, plug-ins, etc.).

These components are used by social networks to record your browsing habits and will only work if your browser is connected to the social network in question (but you don’t have to have used the “share” button, for example).

The social networks you use determine the terms governing your use of the information they obtain and PANARCOLE has no control over the use of this information. We recommend that you consult their privacy policies, which will specify how they use this data and the actions you can take to increase the confidentiality of your account.

Shared devices
As cookies are linked to the device and browser used, it is not possible to determine the identity of the user of the device. Thus, some services and advertising offered on this device may not correspond to your use (the settings/browsing habits of other users of the device may influence the content offered).

You can choose the level of confidentiality of your device by deciding who can use it (people authorized to access the device) and changing its settings (in particular, the cookie settings).

Cookie settings
You can change your cookie settings at any time. Various options are available, as described below.

The settings you choose may affect your browsing experience and the functioning of some services that require the use of cookies. In this regard, we disclaim any liability for the consequences arising from the limited operation of our services caused by the deactivation of cookies on your device (inability to set or read a cookie).

Computers (PC)
You can manage cookies through various options in your browser settings, to allow or block cookies, in general or for specific actions, at any time. Cookies are managed differently in each browser.

Visit the link in your browser to find out more:
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox

For all other devices (smartphones, tablets, smart devices), consult the help menu in your browser.

6. Google Analytics

PANARCOLE has implemented Google Analytics on its website, a web analysis service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to store information about users’ use of the website. The storage of cookies on Google’s servers is solely and exclusively for the purpose of evaluating the use of the website, compiling reports on web activities and providing additional services related to the use of the website and the Internet. The IP address sent from your browser as an informational part for Google Analytics will not be used inappropriately for other purposes.

7. Security measures and subcontractors

PANARCOLE has implemented all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security of Personal Data appropriate to the risk and, in particular, to protect Personal Data against destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or accidental or unlawful access.

The same level of protection is imposed by PANARCOLE on its subcontractors.

Any PANARCOLE employee who, in the course of their work, may have access to your Personal Data will keep it strictly confidential.

8. Exercising your rights

You may, at any time, in accordance with the applicable rules on the protection of Personal Data, exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing and portability of your Personal Data.

You also have the right to object to the Processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes and thus ask to stop receiving promotional communications from PANARCOLE at any time.

Where the Processing is based on your unambiguous consent, you have the right to revoke that consent at any time.

To exercise your rights, particularly with regard to the “Right to be Forgotten” or the deletion of your Personal Data, you can contact us at .

To enable us to respond to your request, you must provide us with the following necessary identification data: name, surname, e-mail or address and any other information necessary to confirm your identity.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority (National Data Protection Commission) in the event of a breach of the rules applicable to the protection of Personal Data, in particular the GDPR.

9. Changes to our protection policy

The Personal Data Protection Policy may be amended by PANARCOLE at any time. PANARCOLE may adjust the Protection Policy (e.g. if it is intended to use your Personal Data in a manner other than that stipulated in the Protection Policy in force at the time of data collection), which will be published without prior notice by updating the Personal Data Protection Policy page. Communication to customers, employees and recruitment candidates will only be made if the changes so warrant.For any questions or comments relating to our Protection Policy or the way PANARCOLE collects and uses your Personal Data and to exercise your rights relating to your Personal Data collected, please contact us at the following address